They will be less willing to share the spoils now the Shanghai stock market is resurgent and turnover has doubled. 由于上海股市恢复活力,成交量翻番,这些券商当然不会太愿意与他人分享胜果。
I would then fear a drastic drop in stock market turnover, further fuelling the liquidity problems afflicting the global economy. 那样的话,我担心股市成交量会急剧下降,进一步加剧影响全球经济的流动性问题。
It is the world's ninth largest banking centre in terms of external banking transactions, and the seventh largest foreign exchange market in terms of turnover. 以对外银行交易量计算,香港是世界第九大银行中心;以成交额计算,香港是第七大外汇交易市场;
Market turnover remained low, coinciding with a reduction in open interest in futures. 市场交投仍然稀疏,未平仓期货合约亦见减少。
Upside to the current market turnover also appears to be somewhat'outnumbered'read from the recent market environment, capital is still positive to do and more. 以目前市场的成交量上攻又显然有点‘寡不敌众’,从近期市场氛围看,资金还是积极做多的。
Asian countries are also seeing healthy economic growth, with financial services companies benefiting from robust stock market turnover, increasing insurance premiums and strong loan growth. 亚洲国家的经济增长情况也相当不错,金融服务公司受益于活跃的股市交易、不断上升的保费收入及强劲的贷款增长。
They account for 28 per cent of total equity market turnover in Hong Kong, the SFC says. sfc表示权证占香港全部股市交易量的28%。
Trading in shares of Chinese entities made up almost one-third of market turnover. 中国内地企业股票交易构成香港市场成交量的近三分之一。
As a result, more securities are available for transaction and settlement in the market, the turnover of securities is accelerated and market liquidity is therefore increased. 增加了市场上可用于交易和结算的债券数量,提高了债券的周转速度,有助于增强市场的流动性。
The cost was a red-hot real estate market whose turnover nearly doubled from 2008. 代价则是灼热的房地产市场,其销售额比2008年几乎翻了一番。
He adds that warrants accounted for more than a quarter of Hong Kong market turnover last year. 他补充称,去年的权证成交量占香港股市成交总量的四分之一以上。
The emphasis of the paper is on the development of related theory in recent years, such as impermanent reputation in monopolistic market and turnover equilibrium in oligopolistic market, etc. 本文尤其关注最近几年中信誉理论的新进展,如关于垄断者信誉的暂时性、寡头市场上的“周转均衡”机制等。
The results show that the daily turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets does not conform to a normal distribution with autocorrelation and ARCH effects in the daily market turnover. 研究结果显示沪市和深市的日市场换手率不服从正态分布并且存在着自相关性和ARCH效应;
Dimensions of Labor Market and Employee Turnover 劳动力市场维度与员工离职
Being one of the earliest opening market, the turnover of lubricant market is high up to$ 22 billion one year. 作为中国较早开放的市场之一,润滑油市场目前规模已达220亿之巨。
Market Capitalization& Turnover of Equities By Classification in September 1994 1994年9月分类股份市值及成交
Securities market has very important effect on the development of our economy, however, in Chinese stock market, the turnover rate is too high, the range is too large, and the degree of irrational investment is serious. 证券市场对我国经济的发展起着十分重要的作用,而我国股市换手率过高,股指波幅过大,股市投资的非理性程度严重。
The AR-GARCH model accurately fits the daily market turnover time series with very significant estimated parameters. AR-GARCH模型很好地拟合了日市场换手率时间系列,估计出来的参数十分显著;
Through the qualitative and quantitative analyses, we can see that the market turnover goes up when oil price rises, and vice versa. 通过定性和定量分析可见,当油价上升时,该市场营业额随之上升,反之亦然。
By the concept of dimensions of labor market presented by authors, this paper analyzed the relations between industry life circle, labor market and turnover rate. 作者提出了劳动力市场维度的概念,并以此分析行业生命周期、劳动力市场与离职率之间的关系。
The correlation between the stock market turnover index and economic growth is low. 换手率与经济增长之间的关联度很低。
The turnover rate reflects the level of activity of the stock trading in the secondary market. the higher turnover indicates that the greater the enthusiasm of the market for the stock. 换手率的高低反映了二级市场该股票交易的活跃程度,换手率越高,表明市场对这只股票的参与热情更大。
Taking aviation market turnover and traffic volume for object, by Market Concentration Rate, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index and Lorenz curve for measure, that Chinese civil aviation market presents the characteristics of the oligarchic monopoly. 以航空市场的周转量和运输量为对象,以市场集中度、赫尔芬达尔&赫希曼指数和洛伦兹曲线为衡量指标,得出我国民航市场呈现寡头垄断的特点。
Required by the market allocation of land resources, will make an inventory of the collective construction land, so that market turnover is to promote modern agriculture construction and reform of the necessary and feasible way. 按市场化要求配置土地资源,盘活集体建设用地,使之入市流转是推进现代农业建设和改革的必要可行方式。
The result shows that market return is a significant influencing factor on turnover. And in different market performance phases, market return affecting the turnover is in different bands. 4. 结果表明,市场收益是换手率的一个显著影响因素,且在不同的市场表现阶段,影响换手率的市场收益是不同阶的。
This paper selects the market turnover, IPO first day turnover, closed-end fund discount ( premium) rates, the market volume and IPO first day of the trading volume of five indicators as the original variables, using principal component analysis BW measure of expression. 本文选取市场换手率、IPO首日换手率、封闭式基金折(溢)价率、市场成交量和IPO首日成交量五个指标作为原始变量,利用主成分分析法得到投资者有限意志BW的衡量表达式。
The market turnover of collective forest land to protect forest resources and effectiveness, promote the development of forest industries to curb the deteriorating ecological environment, the necessary conditions. 而集体林地市场流转的有效性是保护林地资源、带动林产业发展、遏制生态环境日益恶化的必要条件。
Such a large market share and turnover, which inevitably led to intense competition in the online retail market. 如此庞大的市场份额和成交金额,不可避免地引发了网络零售市场的激烈竞争。